New Chapter

1994 October 04

Created by BARBARA 14 years ago
On the fourth of October 1992 Bob was very seriously injured when he was a pillion passenger on a friends motor cycle.Bob was thrown into the path of oncoming traffic and suffered very serious multiple injuries.In the early hours of the following day Bristol Royal Infirmary A & E told us by phone about the accident and we were able to visit Bob later that day.Despite the gloomy prognosis that he would never walk again Bob made a very good recovery and was home for Christmas. Because Bob was living alone,in a wheelchair and still having fits in 1994 he was offered brain surgery at Frenchay Hospital to relieve the effects of the ongoing Epilepsy. The family were advised to visit him the day before the operation in case the worst happened and he was no longer able to communicate with people.The very serious operation was carried out with Bob kept fully awake to ensure that the surgeon was not affecting vital areas of the brain.Bob recovered well from the surgery and we as a family were able to relax in the knowledge that Bob was leading a near normal life.By this time Bob had divorced his wife and was living alone.